Greetings Parents, Educators and Administrators,

It was wonderful to welcome your students to the Hobby Center for the Performing Arts.  Your child was one of 20,000 5th graders that will attend an ExxonMobil Discovery Series performance this school year!

The Hobby Center is committed to introducing 5th graders to the world of the performing arts at no cost to schools or families. The ExxonMobil Discovery Series is a cornerstone education program for the Hobby Center and has even more meaning to our team as we dive into a new era at the Hobby Center with a newly revised mission:the Hobby Center for the Performing Arts deepens understanding of our shared humanity. We serve as a connector, convenor and incubator for all Houston audiences, artmakers and arts organizations. By presenting engaging performances and educational programs, we strengthen our sense of belonging to shape a more cohesive and connected Houston community.

Today your child saw The Science of Sound, a performance by internationally recognized, DACAMERA. This immersive performance delved into the intricate relationships between our planet and sound energy. Through interactive demonstrations and live musical performances, students discovered the relationship between sound and our world. Science of Sound invites students to deepen their understanding of the world and sparks their curiosity for the wonders of science and music.

Learn more about the program that your child saw today.

Did today spark your child’s interest in music or scienceVisit the sites below to learn about the collaborating organizations and what other programming they offer throughout the Houston area:

DACAMERADACAMERA’s mission is to inspire individuals and enrich communities through diverse and inventive musical experiences.



You and your family are always welcome at the Hobby Center. In addition to our Broadway at the Hobby Center series, we are committed to offering family friendly and accessible programming. Find our offerings here:


We hope to see you soon at the Hobby Center!

Robin Anderson

Education & Engagement Manager